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Donald Gross Law Group

Donald Gross Law Group assists clients seeking US permanent residency and long-term visas to live, work, do business, invest or study in the US.

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FACIL’iti makes everyday life and everyday moments easier through user-friendly, one-click innovative digital tools for those with cognitive, visual..

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MIT France

The goal is to forge connections between MIT France and French companies and to foster a dynamic consortium within Boston's thriving tech ecosystem.

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Sport dans la Ville

Sport dans la Ville engages students directly in international discovery experiences, providing continuous support and inspiring them.

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French Theater Project

The French Theater Project is a Boston-based cultural organization created in 2022. Our mission is to spread knowledge of contemporary French theater...

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Mazars is an internationally integrated partnership, specialising in audit, accountancy, advisory, tax and legal services*. Operating in 95+ countries...

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You will be part of ACENSI network: 1650 co-workers involved in IS transformation projects at our clients through our multisectoral expertise. Digital...

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Enlaye AI helps the Built World clearly understand risk and collaboratively reach agreement, to better control costs and accurately delivery projects....

New members

Lebronze Alloys

Lebronze alloys group was born from the integration of different companies specializing in copper and nickel alloys in various formats. Thanks to our...

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