Katherine Mizrahi RodriguezCo-Founder & Chief Implementation Officer, Osmoses

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Co-Founder & Chief Implementation Officer, Osmoses

Osmoses uses a high-precision membrane to purify gas mixtures containing hydrogen, helium, methane, and other high-value molecules at low cost and with reduced environmental impact. The technology has a smaller footprint and is up to 10 times more energy efficient than conventional methods. (source: forbes.com)

At Osmoses, Katherine Mizrahi Rodriguez drives the advancement of the membrane technology through customer-centric techno-economic analysis, partnership, and end-to-end strategy and execution of projects. 

She has a B.S. and Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from MIT. Her graduate work focused on developing high-performance gas separation membranes and evaluating their performance in industrially-relevant conditions. Katherine has been recognized as a Forbes 30 under 30 for Manufacturing and Industry in North America, an NSF Graduate Research fellow, a Ford Foundation pre-doctoral fellow, a GEM fellow, an NSF I-Corps co-entrepreneurial lead, and a Kavanaugh Postdoctoral Fellow. (source: osmoses.com)

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